Solar Energy System at No Cost for NVE Homeowners

We work with NV Energy through their Net Energy Metering program to be able to provide our No Cost Solar Program, this allows homeowners to adopt solar energy systems without any upfront expenses.

Our No Cost Solar Program provides an accessible and affordable pathway for homeowners to switch to solar energy without the financial burden of upfront costs. It promotes renewable energy adoption, energy savings, and environmental sustainability while offering flexibility and convenience through Power Purchase Agreements.

Consider powering your home with a Solar Energy System as an investment in the future. The immediate return though will be a huge cut on those monthly energy bills that you receive they become self sufficient in power usage.

Benefits of a Solar Energy System

Clean and Renewable Energy: Solar energy is clean and renewable, harnessing the power of sunlight to generate electricity without producing harmful emissions or depleting finite resources. This aspect is particularly relevant for NV Energy homeowners looking to reduce their environmental impact and contribute to a greener future.

Cost Savings: Adopting solar energy can lead to significant cost savings for NV Energy homeowners. By generating their electricity, homeowners can reduce or even eliminate their dependence on traditional utility grids, thereby lowering monthly energy bills and hedging against future price increases.

Energy Independence: Solar panels on residential properties empower NV Energy homeowners with a degree of energy independence. They can generate their electricity, reducing reliance on external energy sources and increasing resilience during power outages or disruptions.

Environmental Benefits: Choosing solar energy aligns with NV Energy homeowners’ environmental values by reducing their carbon footprint. By utilizing clean energy, homeowners contribute to mitigating climate change and promoting a healthier environment for future generations.

Incentives and Rebates: NV Energy homeowners may benefit from various incentives, rebates, and tax credits offered for installing solar panels. These financial incentives can significantly offset the initial investment, making solar energy more accessible and appealing.

Long-Term Investment: Solar panels are a long-term investment for NV Energy homeowners. While there’s an upfront cost, solar systems typically have a lifespan of 25 years or more, providing decades of clean, reliable energy and potential savings over time.

Community Impact: Embracing solar energy can have a positive community impact for NV Energy homeowners. By reducing overall energy demand and promoting renewable energy adoption, homeowners contribute to building a more sustainable and resilient community.

Quick Installation

On average, the installation process for a residential solar system in Nevada can take anywhere from 6 to 10 weeks from the initial consultation to the final activation. Actual installation times may vary based on specific project requirements and external factors if additional work or permits are required.

25 Year Solar System Warranty

A 25-year warranty for a solar system PPA provides assurance to homeowners that the solar energy system will operate effectively and maintain a certain level of performance for an extended period. This warranty includes a Performance Guarantee and Equipment Coverage.

Solar Energy Services

These solar energy services are available through our local Solar Contractors.

  • Solar System Installation
  • Solar Site Assessment
  • Solar Engineering
  • Solar Permitting
  • Main Panel Upgrades
  • Backup Storage
  • Monitoring & Maintenance